- Week beginning 3 February: All students in S2-S5 will complete an activity in PSE thinking about their future pathway planning and the progression of their choices, all parents/carers directed to the updated Armadale Academy Learning Pathways website for advice on how to support their child at home with the course choice process.
- Week beginning 17 February: Students will complete their course choice during a 1:1 interview with a member of SLT. A copy of the form will be sent home for parents/carers to sign and should be returned within 1 week.
- Week beginning 26 May: Students currently in S2 and S3 will be issued with their new timetables.
- 2 June: Change of timetable. S4 and S5 students return from study leave.
- 5 August: SQA Results Day.
- 6-22 August: Re-coursing days for students in S5 and S6 (details TBC).