Aims of Course
- Prepare students for National 4 and National 5 Mathematics,
- Improve numeracy skills in order that students are prepared numerically for the world of work,
- Extend knowledge of Mathematics and apply these skills to real life situations.
Description of the Course
The mathematics experiences and outcomes are structured under three main organisers, each of which contains a number of divisions:
- Number, money and measure:
- Estimation and rounding,
- Number and number processes,
- Multiples, factors and primes,
- Powers and roots,
- Fractions, decimals and percentages,
- Money / Time / Measurement,
- Patterns and relationships,
- Expressions and equations.
- Shape, position and movement:
- Properties of 2D and 3D objects,
- Angle, symmetry and transformation.
- Information handling:
- Data and analysis,
- Ideas of chance and uncertainty.
The mathematics course includes a strong emphasis on the important part mathematics has played, and will continue to play, in the advance of society, and the relevance it has for daily life.